Legislation, Regulations and Rules
Legislation, Regulations and Rules published here are reproduced in terms of the Government Printer’s Authorisation No. 11801 of 13 November 2018.
Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
Click on the underlined text to download the Act.
Click here to learn more about the HISTORY of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
The Act published on this page was reproduced in terms of the Government Printer’s Authorisation No. 11801 of 13 November 2018. You may print copies of the Act for your own or your organisation’s use. You may quote freely from the Act provided you make reference to the correct Government Notice number. You may not sell copies of the Act. DISCLAIMER: While every effort has been made to ensure that the Act reproduced and published here is error-free, should any discrepancy be found, the official version of the Act and any subsequent amendments to the Act, printed in the Government Gazette, will always take precedence.
Download below (click on underlined text) the Compendium that consolidates the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, Regulations and Rules in one single document as a resource to social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary workers, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers (social service professionals) required by law to be registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) and the public.
Compendium of legislation, regulations and rules applying to social work and child and youth care work (June 2022)
Click on the underlined text to download the specific Regulations.
- Regulations relating to election of members of the SA Council for Social Service Professions; quorum for and procedure at the meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee; accounting records; financial statements; appeal against refusal, penalty or removal from the Register (Government Notice No R. 1698 published in Government Gazette 19644 of 31 December 1998)
- Regulations regarding the election and appointment of members of a professional board ( Government Notice No 1427 published in Government Gazette 24039 of 8 November 2002)
- Regulations regarding the functioning of professional boards (Government Notice No. R. 919 published in Government Gazette No 25109 of 27 June 2003)
- Amended Regulations relating to nomination and election of members of the South African Council for Social Service Professions (Government Notice No. R. 1982 published in Government Gazette No 46165 of 1 April 2022)
Fees and Allowances
- Regulations regarding allowances payable to members(Government Notice No 2677 published in Government Gazette No 47371 of 28 October 2022)
- Regulations relating to the fees payable by social workers, child and youth care workers, social auxiliary workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student social workers and student child and youth care workers (Government Notice No R. 1512 published in Government Gazette No 45501 of 19 November 2021) – consolidated version
- Regulations relating to the fees payable by social workers, child and youth care workers, social auxiliary workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student social workers and student child and youth care workers ( Government Notice No. R 3485 published in Government Gazette No 48693 of 2 June 2023)
Professional Conduct
- Regulations regarding the conducting of inquiries into alleged unprofessional conduct (Government Notice No. R. 917 published in Government Gazette No 25109 of 27 June 2003)
Social work
- Regulations defining the scope of practice of the profession of Social Work ( Government Notice No. R. 2617 published in Government Gazette No. 47300 of 14 October 2022)
- Regulations regarding the establishment and constitution of a Professional Board for Social Work (Government Notice No. R. 920 published in Government Gazette No 25109 of 27 June 2003)
- Regulations regarding the registration of social workers (Government Notice No. R. 101 published in Government Gazette No. 34020 of 18 February 2011)
- Regulations regarding the registration of student social workers and the holding of disciplinary inquiries (Government Notice No. R. 102 published in Government Gazette No. 34020 of 18 February 2011).
- Regulations regarding the registration of social auxiliary workers and the holding of disciplinary inquiries (Government Notice No. R. 103 published in Government Gazette No. 34020 of 18 February 2011)
- Regulations relating to the registration of a speciality in adoption work (Government Notice No. R. 449 published in Government Gazette No 19930 of 16 April 1999)
- Regulations relating to the registration of a speciality in occupational social work (Government Notice No. R. 15 published in Government Gazette No 32886 of 22 January 2010)
- Regulations regarding the registration of a speciality in probation services (Government Notice No. 116 published in Government Gazette No. 36159 of 15 February 2013)
- Regulations relating to the registration of a specialisation in forensic social work (Government Notice No. R. 912 published in Government Gazette No 41082 of 1 September 2017)
- Regulations relating to the registration of a specialisation in clinical social work (Government Notice No. R. 913 published in Government Gazette No 41082 of 1 September 2017)
Child and Youth Care Work
- Regulations regarding the establishment and constitution of a Professional Board for Child and Youth Care (Government Notice No. R. 377 published in Government Gazette No 25042 of 14 March 2003)
- Regulations for child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers and student child and youth care workers (Government Notice No. 838 published in Government Gazette No. 38135 of 31 October 2014)
Regulations, where applicable, published on this page were reproduced in terms of the Government Printer’s Authorisation No. 11801 of 13 November 2018. You may print copies of these Regulations for your own or your organisation’s use. You may quote freely from these Regulations provided you make reference to the correct Government Notice number. You may not sell copies of these Regulations. DISCLAIMER: While every effort has been made to ensure that the Regulations reproduced and published here are error-free, should any discrepancy be found, the official version of these Regulations and any subsequent amendments to these Regulations, printed in the Government Gazette, will always take precedence.
Click on the underlined text to download the specific Rules.
- Rules concerning the institution, powers, functions and procedures of Committees (Government Notice No 57 published in Government Gazette 38128 of 18 September 1987)
Social work
- Rules relating to the course of conduct to be followed by social workers in the practicing of their profession (Code of Ethics) ( General Notice 292 of 1986 in Government Gazette 10205 of 25 April 1986)
- Rules relating to the course of conduct to be followed by social auxiliary workers in the practicing of their profession ( General Notice 136 of 1991 in Government Gazette 113620 of 15 November 1991)
- Rules relating to the acts or omissions of a social worker, a social auxiliary worker or a student social worker which shall constitute unprofessional or improper conduct (Government Notice 54 published in Government Gazette 14526 of 15 January 1993)
- Rules relating to the qualifications for registration as a social auxiliary worker (Government Notice No R 104 published in Government Gazette 34020 of 18 February 2011)
Regulations and Rules: Child and youth care work
- Rules relating to the acts or omissions which constitute unprofessional or improper conductof child and youth care workers and rules relating to conduct of child and youth care workers practising at professional and auxiliary levels (Government Notice No 833 published in Government Gazette 38128 of 31 October 2014)
Rules, where applicable, published on this page were reproduced in terms of the Government Printer’s Authorisation No. 11801 of 13 November 2018. You may print copies of these Rules for your own or your organisation’s use. You may quote freely from these Rules provided you make reference to the correct Government Notice number. You may not sell copies of these Rules. DISCLAIMER: While every effort has been made to ensure that the Rules reproduced and published here are error free, should any discrepancy be found, the official version of these Rules and any subsequent amendments to these Rules, printed in the Government Gazette, will always take precedence.
Click on the underlined text to download the specific Regulations.